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Dialogue with international friends, promoting the opening and opening up of kindergartens - Juzhou Road Kindergarten in the city receives international friends for inspection and exchange

Time:2024-07-15 Views:421

Recently, the Juzhou Road Kindergarten in the city welcomed guests from afar - Ms. Cai, the President of the Midland Odyssey Chinese Association and the President of the American Chinese Youth Association, who came to the kindergarten for inspection and exchange.

Accompanied by the park leaders, Ms. Cai and others visited the park environment. The well-equipped hardware facilities, rich campus culture, suitable game space, and distinctive labor education of the kindergarten have left a deep impression on the guests.

During the friendly conversation, Ms. Cai highly praised our kindergarten's scientific management philosophy, suitable educational environment for the healthy growth of young children, and good teacher child spirit. Everyone unanimously agrees to strengthen mutual communication, fully leverage the role of multiculturalism, and promote the comprehensive development of young children.


During Ms. Cai's study and exchange program in our city, her second son Reagan was in our kindergarten class for exchange and learning. During his time in the kindergarten, Little Reagan quickly integrated with his classmates and became good friends, deeply loved by teachers and children. They lived together, played happy games together, and participated in immersive experience activities at elementary school. On the occasion of the graduation of the senior class, Ms. Cai and her family came to the kindergarten to participate in the children's graduation ceremony and deeply experience the rich and colorful kindergarten life in our kindergarten. In environments with different cultural backgrounds, languages, and lifestyles, children are confident, friendly, and naturally integrate into the collective, gaining a full experience of love and happiness.


The power of education lies in openness and connectivity. This exchange activity has established a good communication and dialogue platform, promoting mutual learning, cultural understanding, and enhancing friendship between both parties. In the future, Juzhou Road Kindergarten will adhere to the concept of openness and openness, promote international exchanges in education, and broaden children's horizons and perspectives.

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