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Bookish New Era, "Classics" Shine on a New Journey - Juzhou Road Kindergarten in the City Organized Teachers to Carry out Chinese Classic Recitation Activities

Time:2024-07-15 Views:443

In order to better enhance the language and cultural literacy of teachers, inherit and promote excellent Chinese cultures such as Qilu culture and Yellow River culture, Juzhou Road Kindergarten in the city organized teachers to carry out the "Bookish New Era, 'Classics' Shine on a New Journey" Chinese classic recitation activity.


Encountering the sea along the Yellow River. The recitation focuses on introducing the cultural characteristics of Dongying, attractions such as Yanwo Old Street and Changxiang, Yangmiao Huanghe Li Resort, national geographical indication products such as Yellow River mouth hairy crabs and Yellow River mouth rice, as well as national intangible cultural heritage such as Lv Opera and Short Ear Flower Drum, leading the audience to experience the folk customs and traditions along the Yellow River and step into the long history of Dongying.


The teachers walked into the classics, performed with heart, and fully experienced the profoundness of Chinese language and culture, and won the first prize in the 2024 Chinese Classic Recitation Activity in Dongying City.


Interpreting the excellent cultural connotations of China, showcasing the charm of Chinese language and culture, and promoting the Chinese spirit, Juzhou Road Kindergarten in the city will take this as its goal, continue to create a strong atmosphere of love for reading, reading good books, and being good at reading, and effectively promote the in-depth development of our kindergarten's reading activities.

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