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Home Hand in hand to nurture the future ——Warmly congratulate the establishment of the first parent committee of Juzhou Road Kindergarten in Dongying City

Time:2021-10-26 Views:290

The family is the basic cell of society, but also the first school in our lives, and the most complete education should be the combination of school, family and society. Therefore, the establishment and improvement of a preschool education system that combines kindergarten, family and society, so that kindergarten education, family education and social education cooperate and promote each other, is not only the essential requirement of the law of education and the law of talent training, but also the objective need for the healthy development of kindergartens and the healthy growth of children. In order to effectively promote the linkage of homes and build a platform for communication and exchange between kindergartens, families and society, Juzhou Road Kindergarten in Dongying City held the first inaugural meeting of the Parent Committee on October 10.

The meeting was chaired by Director Zong Xuewei, and in the first stage, she expressed a warm welcome to the members of the PTA on behalf of the kindergarten, and read out the list and responsibilities of the first parent committee members of the kindergarten.

Next, the leaders of the kindergarten will issue letters of appointment to the members of the PTA.

After discussion and research between the leaders of the kindergarten and the members of the parent committee, Kong Jie was appointed as the director of the first parent committee of Juzhou Road Kindergarten, Zhang Chunxia was the deputy director, and Wang Jilei was appointed as the organizing member.

In the second stage, a meeting of the parent committee of the kindergarten was held, and Kong Jie, director of the parent committee, made the annual key work report and speech of the parent committee.

Principal Wang Qing put forward the work expectations of the parent committee, which is an effective organizational form for parents to effectively participate in the management of kindergartens and the work of safeguarding education, and is also an important force for kindergartens to implement quality education and achieve school goals. It is hoped that the members of the parent committee will assist the kindergarten to do a good job in the work of the majority of parents, convey the voice of the majority of parents, reflect the demands of the majority of parents, and promote more parents and social forces to enter the kindergarten. Always maintain close contact with kindergartens, jointly care about the development of kindergartens and early childhood education, innovate the model, ways and methods of home cooperation in the new era, and better play the educational function of kindergarten, family and society.

At the meeting, the members of the PTA carefully filled out the comment form and actively contributed ideas for the development of the kindergarten. At the same time, a working group of kindergarten parent committees was established to smooth the communication channels of the home.

Finally, we took a group photo together to congratulate the establishment of the first parent committee of the kindergarten.

Education is a heavy responsibility, a work that requires the common attention and efforts of the whole society, and a glorious cause that is oriented to the future and worth dedicating. Let the homeland work together to educate and nurture every child, and strive to lay a good foundation for the children's future. With the establishment of the kindergarten parent committee, with the trust, care and support of parents and friends, the future of Juzhou Road Kindergarten will be better! The future development of children must be better!

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