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Topics are discussed together, and scientific research promotes growth - Ji Dongying Juzhou Road Kindergarten project discussion activity

Time:2023-09-16 Views:757

On February 2, Dongying Juzhou Road Kindergarten invited subject experts from Dongying Academy of Educational Sciences to discuss the curriculum development and labor literacy construction of the Early Childhood Labor Education Park. Director Wang Zhenyu of the Municipal Academy of Education Sciences, Li Ruijiang, vice principal of the Experimental Primary School, and Zhang Lingling, teacher of Haihe Primary School, conducted in-depth discussions and analysis with the kindergarten teachers face-to-face.

On behalf of the research group, Wang Qing, the director of the garden, focused on the implementation of the three-level projects. The district-level planting education project has been completed, the municipal labor literacy construction project is under research, and efforts are being made to apply for the national project on the basis of the existing foundation, so as to promote the professional improvement of the teacher team, enrich the characteristics of the kindergarten, and promote the all-round development and happy growth of children. Guided by the national education policy, the research on kindergarten projects is guided by the "Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Labor Education in Colleges, Secondary and Primary Schools in the New Era", "Guidelines for Children and Learning and Development for 3-6 Years Old" and "Guidelines for Quality Assessment of Kindergarten Childcare Education" issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, combined with the cognitive characteristics of young children and based on local conditions, to explore the goals, contents, methods and ways of kindergarten labor enlightenment education. Carry out appropriate and colorful kindergarten labor education content, so that children can experience the joy of labor in understanding, participating in and creating labor, while enhancing their self-care ability, form feelings of advocating labor and respecting laborers, and promote children to form a correct world view, outlook on life and values.

Director Wang Zhenyu fully affirmed the research direction, value and previous research and practice, conducted rigorous demonstration of the new application, and put forward forward-looking, detailed, enlightening and educational guiding opinions on the research ideas and research content of the project, helping the members of the research group to clarify their ideas, clarify the direction, key points and difficulties. At the same time, the teachers of the expert group highly praised and fully affirmed the spirit and practical results of our garden in carrying out teaching and research in a down-to-earth manner.

Scientific research leads development, and professional empowerment grows. Juzhou Road Kindergarten will continue to adhere to the combination of education and scientific research, take subject research as the guide, promote educational practice, continue to improve the quality of education through scientific research, enhance the professional quality of teachers, and promote the all-round development of young children.

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