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Home co-education, growth together - Dongying Juzhou Road Kindergarten Committee inaugural meeting and a meeting

Time:2021-11-04 Views:321

In order to strengthen the scientific management of kindergartens and comprehensively improve the level of kindergarten operation and the quality of education, in accordance with the provisions of the "Kindergarten Work Regulations", on November 11, Juzhou Road Kindergarten in Dongying City held the inaugural meeting of the Garden Committee and the first meeting of the first session.

The meeting was divided into two phases. In the first stage, the meeting was chaired by Vice Principal Sun Junyan, who first read the "Notice on the Establishment of the Gardening Committee" of the kindergarten, the list of members of the Gardening Committee, and the notice of the appointment of the director of the Gardening Committee.

Next, Wang Junxia, the supervisor of Dongying Economic and Technological Development Branch of Dongying Education Bureau, and Wang Qing, the principal of the garden, issued letters of appointment to the members of the garden committee.


At the meeting, Director Wang Qing delivered a speech, pointing out that the establishment of the Garden Committee is of landmark significance to the development of our garden. The garden committee system brings together the three parties of kindergarten, family and community (society), and we promote the integrated development of home, garden and community through cooperation, and gradually explore the formation of a new type of home relationship and community relationship. It is believed that with the in-depth advancement of the work of the garden committee, the comprehensive level of Juzhou Road Kindergarten will be improved, and the high-quality development of Juzhou Road Kindergarten will be promoted.

Afterwards, the committee members made a statement on behalf of Kong Jie. He said that he will better play the role of the bridge and link of the parent association, coordinate the relationship between school and family, do a good job of sounding ingo, and create a more warm and suitable space for children to grow.

Wang Junxia, a supervisor stationed in the Dongying Economic and Technological Development Branch of the Dongying Municipal Education Bureau, put forward work expectations, first, seeking truth and pragmatism. The members of the first committee should give full play to the role of bridge and link, contribute ideas and suggestions in the development process of kindergarten, put forward creative suggestions, strengthen communication, and improve public satisfaction; Second, it is stable and far-reaching. General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the general tone of "seeking progress in stability", Juzhou Road Kindergarten, as the largest new public park in the development zone, is a two-year people's livelihood practical project in 2019-2020, whether it is the people, or the higher authorities have high expectations, this responsibility is not light, to realize that to build a first-class modern kindergarten, all parties need to twist into a rope, let the fist strong, this big ship carrying hope can be stable and far-reaching; The third is the courage to innovate. In the process of development, kindergartens should continue to explore and explore, form their own characteristics of running kindergartens, accumulate kindergarten culture, and truly benefit children.

In the second stage, a meeting of the Juzhou Road Kindergarten Committee was held. The meeting was chaired by Director Wang Qing. At the meeting, Vice Principal Sun Junyan was elected as the deputy director of the Kindergarten Committee, and the meeting also deliberated and adopted the kindergarten charter, the rules of procedure of the Kindergarten Committee and other relevant documents.

After the meeting, the committee members visited the campus and took a group photo together to congratulate the inaugural meeting of the Park Committee and the establishment of the first meeting.

Education is our shared responsibility! Open education is more harmonious and democratic governance is more alive. Juzhou Road Kindergarten will earnestly practice the Dongying education spirit of "loyalty, building people, seeking and far-reaching", never forget the original intention, forge ahead, cherish the feeling of education, always pay attention to the current educational reform, pay attention to the development of the kindergarten, and strive to contribute to the development of the kindergarten. It lays a good foundation for the happiness and sustainable development of children's lives, and contributes to the scientific development of Dongying preschool education.

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